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2022 Request for Proposals – Professional Services






The Borough of Keansburg is soliciting proposals for professional services to the Borough for the professional term year 2022 – 2023 commencing July 1, 2022   Proposals will be accepted for the specific professional services set forth in the Public Notice, a copy of which is attached hereto.

The REQUEST OF PROPOSAL is for the following professions:

All proposals shall be submitted to
Thomas Cusick, Municipal Clerk,
Keansburg Borough Hall,
29 Church Street, Keansburg, New Jersey 07734

NO later than 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, May 25, 2022 local prevailing time.

All proposals for ALL BOROUGH POSITTIONS shall be submitted as:

One (1) original, hard copy document of the proposal shall be submitted by Wednesday, May 25, 2022NO later than 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, May 25, 2022 local prevailing time.


 All proposals should include, at a minimum:

In addition:

  1. a Professional Services Entity Information Form
  2. a Mandatory Equal Employment Opportunity Notice Acknowledgement
  3. a copy of the applicable Business Registration Certificate
  4. a Non-Collusion Affidavit
  5. a Disclosure of Ownership Form
  6. an Insurance Requirement Acknowledgement Form

All forms listed above, (#1 through #6) shall be completed in their entirety.

The Governing Body of the Borough of Keansburg on the basis of the proposal deemed to be most advantageous, price and other factors considered will evaluate all proposals.  The evaluation will consider:

  1. Experience in municipal service and reputation in the field;
  2. A list of all municipalities to which you or the firm currently serve or have served;
  3. Knowledge of the Borough of Keansburg and the subject matter to be addressed under the contract;
  4. Availability to accommodate any required meetings of the agency;
  5. Compensation proposal;
  6. Other factors, if determined to be in the best interest of the Borough of Keansburg and its agencies.

A full copy of the REQUEST FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE with necessary forms can be found on the Borough’s website: for your convenience.