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Lead Service Line Information

Municipal Clerk

Thomas P. Cusick, RMC
George E. Kauffmann Municipal Building
29 Church Street
Keansburg, NJ 07734
Phone 732-787-0215 Ext. 111
Fax 732-787-0787

Jo-Ann O’Brien, Deputy Clerk
Phone 732-787-0215 Ext. 112

Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9 am to 4:00 pm

Welcome to the Municipal Clerk’s office. The Municipal Clerk is a statutory position with many responsibilities. Some of the core duties include:

This office is also your link to the Mayor and Borough Council. Any questions you may have for our Mayor or Council members can be directed to our office at 732-787-0215 Ext. 112.

Please use this link for a copy of the Borough’s  OPEN PUBLIC REQUEST FORM

Please fax your request to:

Municipal Clerk –  732-787-0787

OR you can email your request

Tort Claim Form