Make Online Payments
Lead Service Line Information

Code Enforcement and Construction Office

Paul Durnien

Construction Official, 
George E. Kauffmann Municipal Building
29 Church Street, Keansburg, NJ 07734
732-787-0215 Ext.220
732-787-3699 fax

Kathy Burgess
Zoning Official, Flood Plain Manager and T.A.C.O.

Ext. 220

Brooke Clayton
Construction Secretary, T.A.C.O.

Ext. 221

Mackenzie Bittle
Planning Board & Construction Secretary

Ext. 223

Chris Hoff
Code Enforcement Officer

Ext. 222

Arthur Boden
Fire Official

Ext. 224



The Code Enforcement and Construction Office
Open daily, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Certificate of Housing Inspection Application
The Borough of Keansburg’s Certificate of Housing Inspection Application



CLASS F – Rooming & Boarding Home/Sober Living Facility:


Application Form I (revised) 5.2021

Application Form II 5.2021

Notice of Authorization 5.2021

Landlord Registration:

Annual Rental Registration is required for each rental unit due and payable on January 1 for a 12 month period. The fees are:

  1. Less than eight (8) non-owner-occupied rental units: $200 per unit,
  2. Eight (8) or more non-owner-occupied rental units:  $150 per unit,

Late fee of $50.00 per unit will be assessed 30 (thirty) days of its due date.

Inspection fees:

$120 will entitle the applicant to 2 (two) inspections.

  1. Third re-inspection:  $30 per unit,
  2. Fourth re-inspection:  $40 per unit,
  3. Fifth re-inspection:  $70 per unit,
  4. Sixth re-inspection: $100 per unit,

Landlord Registration Form



Annual VACANT / ABANDONED Registration is required for each property due and payable on January 1 for a 12 month period. The fees are:

  1. Initial registration – $500.00, if not paid within five (5) months $1,000.00;
  2. First renewal –   $1,500.00;
  3. Second renewal – $3,000.00;
  4. Any subsequent renewal -$5,000.00

Vacant Property Registration Form

Planning Board:

Current Electronic Applications

Current electronic planning board applications are available for review on
the Planning Board webpage: Planning Board page

Construction Office Documents and Links

1988 Master Plan Boro of Keansburg

Application Requirements
A checklist of needed applications for various improvement projects

Business CCO Application

Coastal Construction Fact Sheet
Information for building in a coastal area. More flood related information is in the NFIP/FLOOD documents section of the Borough’s website.

Do’s and Don’ts handout.9.2017

Elevation Certificate LIST for website 040320
List of Elevation Certificates filed with the Code and Construction Office

FEMA: Repairing your flooded home
Informational brochure from FEMA

Fire Safety Business Registration

Floodplain Information

Master Plan Re-examination_2003

Master Plan Re-examination_June 2012

Master Plan-Reexamination-Report-amendments-November-2015_final

New Hours for Construction Office
News about contacting the Construction Office

2020 ONLY Outdoor Dining Permit Application
Business Owner application for outdoor dining within the Borough

Red Cross: Repairing a Flooded Home
Informational brochure from the Red Cross

Site Plan Application PacketApplication Packet for Site Plans

Annual Solutions to Stormwater Pollution
Everyday way you can help protect our water

Substantial Damage Improvement Requirements
Procedures for Hurricane Sandy Substantial Damage/Improvement Requirements

Zoning Map
The Borough of Keansburg’s Zoning Map

Zoning Permit Application
Application for Zoning Permit




Beachway Waterfront Redevelopment Plan 2005

Ord 1600 Beachway Redev Amendment

Redevelopment Plan_Main St Node Carr and Raritan Avenues_Route 36 Gateway_7.26.2006

Beachway Avenue Waterfront Redevelopment Plan_Adopted B184 Lots 1, 3.02, 3.03 and portion of 3.01

Carr Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan_06-25-21_with attachments (FINAL SIGNED COPY)

Redevelopment Plan for Block 11 Lots 4 through 7_Revised 07-22-20 (FINAL SIGNED COPY)